Wednesday, July 27


As humans, we have no concept of what God’s definition of trust is. We are fallible; we fail at achieving the perfection of God every day. So when God commands us in Proverbs 3:5 to trust Him with all of our heart, it is difficult to fully comprehend what the Father wants of us.

Our hearts hold our feelings. Emotions from our hearts can determine how we think and act, which can have a domino effect on our education, our careers, and our families. On the other hand, it can effect how we react to the little things in life that we encounter in our every-day lives. Examples of this could be friendships, getting stuck in traffic, leaving your kids with a babysitter, or preparing to take a test. All of these things can and probably will be determined by the condition of your heart.

Like I said earlier, however, as humans we are fallible. Romans 3:23 tells that that we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Because of the fall of man, we are tainted. There is no good that is naturally within us. Mind, soul, body… Thoughts, feelings, emotions… They are all corrupted. Our hearts are sinful.

Because no one is perfect, it is difficult to trust others, such as knowing to what extent we can trust a person or if we can even trust that individual at all. Will she take good care of my children? Will my husband overseas live through one more day? Will she really keep an eye on my purse for me?

So we take matters into our own hands. I’M in control. I get to decide what happens to me. I can do it on my own. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Genesis 3:1-7 tells the story of the fall of man. Satan came in the form of a serpent to Eve. He questioned her knowledge of what God had said to her. He said to her, “You won’t die! God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

This is the first self-help message ever given. Satan told her that she should put matters into her own hands. What a lie! Who are we to question anything God does? God is all knowing, omnipresent, and sovereign. We, on the other hand, are inherently sinful. The only way to have a truly joyful life is to trust the One who created life. The only way to have a life of peace is to believe in the Prince of Peace.

Now, back to the issue of trusting. God has a reason behind everything He does. Psalms 139 reminds us that God was there before we were born. Before we were born, every day of our lives was recorded. Every moment of our lives was laid out before a single day had passed.

God is sovereign, which means He has the ultimate power over the universe. So if I have the option of choosing between choosing me, who is sinful in every aspect and does not know what the future holds, or God, who knows all things desires to guide me with His counsel according to Psalm 73:24, why would I not choose to trust Him?

It’s easy to say that trusting God is the better choice. The hard part is choosing to do that, day by day. Trusting in God means laying down my agenda, my dreams, and my desires. Trusting in God means choosing to put my full hope and faith in my Father. It means acknowledging that He has control over my life, and I will follow Him in whatever I do. Psalms 25:5 says “Lead me by Your mouth and teach me, for You are the God that saves me. All day long I put my hope in You.” If we could just live out that Scripture, I think we would definitely find our lives a lot more satisfying because then we would be doing it God’s way. We would have peace. We would be content. We would have joy. We would rest in our Father, knowing that He knows best.

“I'm giving You my heart
And all that is within
I lay it all down
For the sake of You my King
I'm giving you my dreams
I'm laying down my rights
I'm giving up my pride
For the promise of new life”

- “Surrender” by Seventh Day Slumber